Tired of playing the same old tabletop games? Then you should check out Super Roll Games. We’ve created unique games that combine the best aspects of beer pong and shuffleboard. Our founder developed the prototype game a couple of years ago and tested it out with his travel softball team. The game was an instant hit, and now we’re getting orders nationwide.

Get in touch with us now to learn more about our tabletop games.

Infuse Your Personality Into Our Games

We can make custom-designed game boards

Want Super Roll Games for a sports banquet, birthday party or family event? You’ll be glad to know that we can custom-make your game board so it fits your event’s theme. Our game boards are 5’3” wooden foldable tables. Just let us know how you want yours to look, and we’ll provide you with a free estimate.

Call us today at 218-393-9006 to learn more.